
Theatre Arts Minor

The Theatre Arts Minor is designed to provide students with a sound foundation in the major aspects of theatre; it assures each students of a balanced program in the major areas of theatre, and allows for a degree of specialization in an area of the student's choice. Students should discuss their interest with department faculty. 

Admission to the Theatre Arts Minor is contingent upon a departmental interview and review by the Theatre Arts Minor Advisor. Additionally, students must be in good academic standing (minimum GPA of 2.0).

Core Courses (12 units)
TH 210 Introduction to Theatre (GE C3) 4
TH 225/230

Costume Construction I or Stagecraft I

TH 305 Topics in Diversity on the American Stage (USCP) 4
Lower Division Theatre Elective Courses (4 Units)
pick one (1) of the following courses:
TH 215 Verbatim Theatre 4
TH 220 Acting Methods 4
TH 225 Costume Construction I 4
TH 227 Theatre History I 4
TH 228 Theatre History II 4
TH 230 Stagecraft I 4
TH 235  Acting II 4
TH 240 Improvisational Theatre 4
TH 245 Introduction to Stage Management 4
TH 255 Technical Theatre Production 4
TH 260 Voice and Diction for the Stage 4
TH 265 Scenic Painting 4
TH 270 Stage Make Up 4
TH 275 Selected Topics 4
TH 280 Body Awareness and Expression 4
TH 285 Internship 1-4
TH 290 Script Analysis 4
TH 295 Foundations in Theatrical Design 4
Upper Division Theatre Elective Courses (12 Units)
pick three (3) of the following courses:
TH 305 Topics in Diversity on the American Stage (USCP) 4
TH 315 Physical Theatre 4
TH 325 Costume Construction II 4
TH 330 Stagecraft II 4
TH 345 Rehearsal and Performance 4
TH 350 Seminar in Playwriting 4
TH 355 Mainstage Production 4
TH 370 Costume History 4
TH 380 Theatre for Young Audiences 4
TH 390 Global Theatre and Performance 4
TH 400 Special Problems 1-4
TH 425 Acting III 4
TH 430 Scenic Design 4
TH 432 Costume Design 4
TH 434 Lighting Design 4
TH 450 Directing 4
TH 470 Selected Advanced Topics 4
TH 471 Selected Advanced Laboratory 4
TH 480 Advanced Internship 4

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