
Orchesis: Retrograde (Winter 2024)

January 19-20 & 25-27, 2024 in Spanos Theatre

The Cal Poly Orchesis Dance Company presents its 54th annual dance concert, "Retrograde" on Friday and Saturday, January 19 and 20, and Thursday through Saturday, January 25-27, in the Spanos Theatre. Performances will begin at 7:30pm on all days, with a matinee scheduled at 2pm on Saturday, January 20. The concert includes a variety of dance genres, choreographed by professional guest artists, faculty, and Cal Poly students.

The theme of this year's concert is Retrograde, which is inspired by the namesake compositional tool that employs manipulating movement phrases in their pure reverse, like watching video backward. Reversing phrases creates new ways of looking at prior material. All choreographers will be tasked with incorporating a moment or more of retrograde within their dances.


If you have accessibility needs and wish to request accommodations to ensure your full enjoyment of this production, please contact the Theatre and Dance Department at (805) 756-1465.

2023-2024 Orchesis Dance Company

Lisette Abundez Daylin Atwood Hannah Bielcik Kate Blevens Maddie Bredek
Grace Clements Dana Craighead Liv Davis Abby Denton Olivia Ferreri
Samantha Garrett Emma Garrison Lexi Hegarty Aviv Kesar Sema Lew
Maya McClain Julia McDonald Amelia McManus Gracie Mitchell Carly Morris
Emily Olster Amy Ormiston Araceli Ramos Olivia Roman Chloe Rosero
Gracie Schweitzer Karen Severson Sara Sjoblom Katya Tsikina Lauren Van Neck
Elena Venner Megan Waller Olivia Wilson    

Artistic/Production Team

Diana Stanton, Director
Leann Alduenda, Assistant Director
Michelle Walter, Assistant Director
Kathleen Ford, Choreographer
Horacio Heredia, Choreographer
Mike Esperanza, Choreographer
Angela Rosenkrans, Choreographer

Orchesis 54: Retrograde Full Digital Program

2024 Artist Statements