Brian Healy

Associate Professor, Stage Design & Technical Production
Mainstage Scenic & Lighting Designer
Contact Information
- Office: Bldg. 45, Rm. 104
- Phone: 805-756-5560
- Email:
- Website: brianhealydesign
About Brian Healy
Brian received his MFA in Theatrical Design from the University of Washington, and his B.A. in Theatre from Truman State University. He has taught lighting design, scenic design, stagecraft, and dramatic theory for 23 years.
Between the Pacific Coast and the Great Lakes, Brian has worked at or with such companies as Sundance Resort (Utah), Hale Centre Theatre (Salt Lake), Hale Center Theater (Orem), Seattle Repertory Theatre, Book-It Repertory Theatre (Seattle), Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center (Seattle), Long Beach Opera (CA), Raven Theatre (Chicago), Shattered Globe Theatre (Chicago), Windy City Music Theatre (Chicago), Mount Baker Repertory Theatre (Bellingham), St. Louis Shakespeare Company, St. Louis Science Center, St. Louis Black Rep, and HotHouse Theatre (St. Louis).
Brian has designed for, or taught at, University College Dublin Ireland, Western Washington University, Bellevue College, Lake Forest College, University of Washington, and Utah Valley University.
Courses Taught at Cal Poly
- TH230 Stagecraft I
- TH265 Scenic Painting
- TH285 Internship
- TH330 Stagecraft II
- TH355 Mainstage Production
- TH430 Scenic Design
- TH434 Lighting Design
- TH480 Advanced Internship
Developed Courses at Cal Poly
- TH255 Technical Theatre Production
- TH26 Technology in Theatrical Design