Elisabeth Weidner

- TH400 (Winter 2021)
- Office: Bldg. 45
- Email: eweidner@calpoly.edu
About Elisabeth Weidner
Elisabeth Weidner is a Lecturer in the Theatre and Dance Department teaching Sound Design and Engineering for Theatre. She is a Theatrical Sound Designer and Composer. Elisabeth served as the Sound Director/Resident Sound Designer/Composer for 10 years at PCPA-Pacific Conservatory Theatre, before going full freelance in 2019. She sits on the USITT Sound Commission jury for the Current Practices and Research in Sound papers submissions, she is a contributing blogger for SoundGirls.org, and she also serves as Co-Vice Chair of the TSDCA (Theatrical Sound Designers and Composers Association).
Personal Website: www.elisabethanneweidner.com